Sunday, October 30, 2011

Missing Mom

Today is my moms birthday. It is strange not having her here I find myself still reaching for the phone to give her a call to tell her about my day or something that the kids have done or just to chat. Then I realize that she is not there. It hurts, more than I ever thought it would. I keep thinking that it is going to get easier and that the empty feeling would go away, but I am not sure if it going to go away, and I am wondering if it really should. Maybe that is how we hold on to our loved ones. I love you mom, and happy birthday

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chicken pox

Poor little griffen has chicken pox. We had him immunized and everything. He just had an oatmeal bath and is now covered in calamine lotion.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Griff & Me

Well it is now Sat. Evening. I have played basketball with both friends and family. I have been to the Dry pack cannery - feeling very mormon in the process. Helped clean the house, and now I am home with Griffen. We are watching Barney-Farm. I don' t know how many times I have watched this video (thank you netflix). I almost miss the Wiggles - Almost. Shea has taken the two older kids to a family thing and I stayed home to keep Griff Company, and to see that he gets to bed on time, otherwise church becomes a real problem.
It is fun to be with him. We have eaten fish crackers and Coke (Caffeine free of course), wrestled, and now Barney.
I am trying to avoid watching it so I did some web browsing and found an Epilepsy run on the 26th of March. I guess I need to get running. I want to run the Leprechaun Lope the week before. I need to get him to bed, he is tired, and I want to watch anything but Barney. Bye.

I Can't Sleep

Well, you know those nights when no one seems to be able to go to sleep no matter how hard you force them. That was out night last night. I was in trying to get Griffen to bed. He needs help to stay in his room, or he gets out of his 'big boy bed' and wanders around. Shea was working on getting Ella in bed and neither of us were having any luck. I finally had Griffen down and I came out to 'assist' Shea. We though we had achieved success, when who should come wandering in but Griffen. He usually goes to bed about 7:30. yeah, right. Last night he was in bed at 9:30 and I don't think he was asleep until later. It is at times like this that the words of my great mission president come to mind. "Don't worry Elder Hamilton, you will get enough sleep when you're dead." I hope he's right.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Awesome Day Off

Well, I took the day off today and it was awesome. I thought it would be nice just to stay home on such an awesome day and I was not let down. Today the weather was perfect and I had a blast. We all got up and Cameron and Ella were off to school. Shea helped out at the school today and Griff and I caught up with a good friend Barney.
Shea came home and we ran errands and took care of some chores, but the highlight of the day was when Shea and I and Griff went for a 3 mile walk. It was so wonderful to just be together and talk. Griff loved picking up rocks, of course, and we made it on time to pick up Cameron and Ella from school.
Cameron and I played a little one-on-one after Ella went to dance.
I love being a husband and father.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Evening

Well the day is almost over. Church today. I love Sundays. We had a busy day at church today, we set apart a couple of class presidencies, it was wonderful. I love our ward.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Antelope Island

We went out to Antelope Island today for a little outing. It was so nice to be outside. We went for a couple of short hikes and then down to Fielding Garr Ranch.
Every where we went Griffen was living up to his middle name. He would stop and look down and then pick up a rock and put it in his pocket. His grandpa Harvey I'm sure was very proud. It was such a nice day, we saw so many animals and just enjoyed being outside after this winter.
When we were on one of our hikes, we passed a family from China. When we walked past them the mother just started to squeal with delight. She then knelt down and in broken English said how cute Griffen was. As you can see he is not the only cute one in the family.